Tow Q&A

A Day in the Life of a Tow Truck Operator

Zip’s AW Direct wants to get to know you better. Beginning next week, we’ll get the conversation started across our social media platforms with a series of questions relating to your towing operation and the towing industry in general.  ‘A Day in the Life of a Tow Truck Operator’ is an opportunity to share your thoughts, perspectives and perhaps even some amusing anecdotes from your time in towing.


Each day on Facebook and Instagram, we will post a different question for you to voluntarily answer. Questions will vary from changes in the industry to your toughest recovery scene to the reason you became a tow truck operator. Don’t be afraid to let down your guard down a little, but also keep in mind your responses may be reprinted in upcoming marketing campaigns at Zip’s AW Direct, including a "Tow Q&A" snippet on our 2020 wall calendar. If you dare to share, you can respond simply with another post or message us through Facebook, Instagram or email. Try to keep your responses to 100 words or less and have some fun with this. We look forward to hearing what you have to say.

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*Selected responses will be reprinted in upcoming marketing campaigns at Zip’s AW Direct, including a "Tow Q&A" snippet on our 2020 wall calendar. Responses may be edited.