
Zip's Owners Gallery
Photo Submission

Everyone enjoys sharing pictures of their success and creativity. Send in your photos to display them proudly in the Zip's Owners Gallery. Submit photo(s) and complete your information on this page.

Please Note.

All images submitted to the Zips.com Website become the property of Zip's. Zip's reserves the right to modify any image and text information as necessary to improve their quality and compatibility with the Zips.com Website. Zip's also reserves the right not to post submissions that do not meet the company's quality standards. Once approved, photos will be processed and posted to the Owners Gallery.

We appreciate your time, patience, and participation.

Photo guidelines:

• Clean, sharp images relating to you, your trucks or your business.

• Please send only tasteful photographs. Any photos containing unsuitably graphic or otherwise grotesque material will not be accepted.

• Pictures containing children or young adults under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a signed parental consent form. If children are in your picture, please click the "Parental Consent Form" button to the right to sign and send in.

Questions or comments?
Click here.

Model Release:

For good and valuable Consideration the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, I hereby sell, assign and grant to Zip’s Truck Equipment, Inc. and/or any of its Affiliates the right and permission to copyright and/or publish photographs of myself and the use of these photographs singularly or in conjunction with other photographs for advertising, trade or any other similar lawful purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, television, product packaging, posters, billboards, and Internet usage. I further consent to the reproduction and/or authorization by Zip's Truck Equipment, Inc., and/or its Affiliates to reproduce said photographs for use in all domestic and foreign markets. I hereby waive my right to inspect and/or approve the finished product or the advertising copy that may be used in connection therewith. I hereby release and discharge Zip's Truck Equipment, Inc., its successors and all persons acting under its permission or authority or those for whom it is acting from any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form that may occur or be produced in the taking of said picture in any processing tending toward the completion of the finished product. CLIENT CONFIRMATION All work as described herein has been fully completed and all billing information is correct and uncontested.

Fill Out Submit Photo Here Owners Gallery Top Collage

Attach Your Photo
Photos must be JPG, JPEG, or GIF and under 2MB in size.