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INCOM Gator Grip Premium Grade Hazard Anti-Slip Tape

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INCOM's Gator Grip yellow/black hazard striped tape is for maximum visual warning and anti-slip protection on stair nosings. This tape is an effective way to offer visual warning of a slip and fall hazard while offering the same aggressive premium grit features found on our Gator Grip products. The surface is an aggressive mineral abrasive compound on a thick PVC liner. Tape will adhere to most any clean, dry surface with an acrylic adhesive system. Tape and adhesive are water, chemical and oil resistant for use in both indoor & outdoor applications. Tape meets NFSI 101-A High Traction and meets or exceeds OSHA 1910.24, 1910.26 and ANSI B101.1.
  • 2"W x 60'L roll
  • Use indoor and outdoor

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