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This is a replacement electric 12 volt motor used on auto haulers. This is the
main power source for operating the hydraulic system. It drives the hydrulic
pump and the enclosed motor can be installed outside in the elements. It has a
1.3 HP rating with 3 ft.-lbs. of torque at 2,250 RPM. It has a 122 amp draw.
This is a spool valve motor that transmits high torque at low speeds. Has a
straight output shaft with a Woodruff key. Can operate up to 2,000 RPM.
Replaces 458050 4.5 C.I.
Engages electric motor for operating the hydraulics. Solenoid engages electric
vented (BAM24) and enclosed (BAM44) motors to operate hydraulics on auto
transport trailers.
This is a replacement electric 12 volt motor used on auto haulers. This is the
main power source for operating the hydraulic system. It drives the hydrulic
pump and the enclosed motor can be installed outside in the elements. It has a
1.3 HP rating with 3 ft.-lbs. of torque at 2,250 RPM. It has a 122 amp draw.
This is a spool valve motor that transmits high torque at low speeds. Has a
straight output shaft with a Woodruff key. Can operate up to 2,000 RPM.
Replaces 458050 4.5 C.I.
Engages electric motor for operating the hydraulics. Solenoid engages electric
vented (BAM24) and enclosed (BAM44) motors to operate hydraulics on auto
transport trailers.