Pro-Lok's 18-piece Ultra Combo Car Opening Kit is a mix of the most popular
traditional car opening tools snugly fit into the lid of the case as well as
our assortment of 5 Quick Change Long Reach Tools custom fit into the bottom
of the specialty molded case. The selection of traditional tools includes our
most popular stainless steel round-edged Slim Jim and a variety of tools
featuring Xacto-Grip technology.
- Kit Includes: AO25, AO35, AO38, AO39, AO42-QC1, AO42-QC2, AO42-M1, AO42-M2,
AO42-M3, AO42SL, AO65-A1
- Book: AO95
- Wedge: AO65, Set of A064, (2) AO67
- Lifetime Warranty against manufacturers defect