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Employee Profile: Jimmy Geerts

by Nate Kuennen | Jun 17, 2022


Zip’s team member Jimmy Geerts operated large, eight-wheeled recovery trucks in the military and even helped to build a heavy-duty rotator when he first started here, but he has since found his niche in small wrecker assembly at New Hampton, IA.

Work and life on a smaller scale suits him just fine. A native of nearby Alta Vista, Geerts hails from a community of just 200 people, and he is one of only seven employees who work in Zip’s newly-renovated--and air-conditioned--light-duty plant on the West Campus here.

The crew there is separated into three teams. Depending on the model, lighting package and accessories, each team can turn out a light-duty wrecker in a week and a half. Some build sheets take a little longer; others are a little less complicated.

As a former Iowa National Guardsman, Geerts said he understands the value of teamwork and appreciates the fact he can turn to his co-workers for advice and assistance when he needs it. He said they can almost read each other’s minds.

“It’s really been a learning experience since I’ve started here,” said Geerts, now two and a half years in. “I feel like I learn something new every day. It’s awesome working with the guys here. It’s very good to have them as resources. We really work well together.”

Geerts said he likes building new tow trucks because the parts, chassis and bodies are fairly clean to work on. He also said there is usually more room to work if he needs to run wires before the body is mounted to the chassis. Where things get a little cramped is on the topside.

From brooms and shovels to dollies and jacks on the deck, “they pack a lot of stuff on these little things,” Geerts noted. “You really need to find spots to make all these things fit just right. It can be quite a puzzle at times.”

Geerts said the best part of each build is when the truck passes quality control and they turn it over to the customer. The finished product gives him great satisfaction. “You can really take pride in knowing you helped build it, and the customer appreciates the work you put into it," he said.