
Industry News & New Products

Meet an Expert: Brian McDermott

by Tyler Nestvedt | Aug 14, 2024

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Brian McDermott's career with Zip's began with a humble summer job washing trucks between his sophomore and junior years of high school. Little did he know that this job would set the stage for a long and successful career. After graduating from the University of Northern Iowa, McDermott rejoined Zip's in April 1996 as a salesperson, and he has been a dedicated member of the team ever since. His commitment and expertise are why we are excited to feature him in this month's ‘Meet an Expert.’

Today, Brian acts as a Sales Representative selling towing equipment, trailers and more for those in Minnesota and the upper Midwest. However, his role extends beyond merely selling equipment; it's about understanding and fulfilling customers' wants and requirements. According to Brian, it’s about “identifying customers’ needs” in order to get them the correct equipment. He believes that building strong relationships with customers enables him to provide the best solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Brian’s dedication is rooted in his admiration for his customers, who tirelessly help others in their time of need all hours of the day. "They all seem to throw the clock away," said Brian. In turn, he strives to match their enthusiasm by being readily available and supportive. Whether it’s “designing trucks, warranty assistance, parts assistance, financing assistance, delivering the customer’s new truck,” or more, Brian is committed to ensuring that his customers receive timely and effective help. For him, this means long hours at all times of the day. He is always ready to take a call and respond to his messages because that’s what it takes to maintain his relationships.

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Over the years, Brian’s approach to his work has evolved. In the early days, before the advent of cell phones, he would frequently stop at payphones to check messages and check in with his boss, Paul Rottinghaus. He recalls driving throughout Minnesota and South Dakota, making cold calls to potential customers. This would lead to relationships he still maintains today.

To Brian, that’s the core of it. He’s managed to be successful not just because of technology or his experience, but because he understands it’s all about his commitment to his customers. By keeping himself available and ready to help the people who come to him, he’s managed to maintain stable relationships with his customers for decades.
