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Remco Industrial Shovel

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This Remco one-piece polypropylene shovel is tough and lightweight. With a regrind additive, it is a cost-effective option for industrial applications that do not require food grade materials. These heavy-duty polypropylene shovels are light enough to float, but strong enough to handle roadside clean-up loads. Solid shaft one-piece design is chemical resistant, won't rust, and stands up to the the coldest weather. Initially developed over 30 years ago, our one-piece shovel doesn t just meet the standard, it sets the standard.
  • Durable: Solid shaft one-piece design is chemical resistant, won't rust, and stands up to the the coldest weather
  • Lightweight: Less than 4 lb
  • Shorter Length: Ideal for applications involving raised surfaces or containers
  • One-Piece Construction: Eliminates points of weakness where two-piece tools may fail
  • Durable Plastic Blade: Bears a considerable load, but will not cause damage to surfaces or paint

  • Available in the following sizes

    <table style="undefined;table-layout: fixed; width: 578px;"/> <colgroup/> <col style="width: 121.75px;" //> <col style="width: 80.75px;" //> <col style="width: 80.75px;" //> <col style="width: 80.75px;" //> <col style="width: 95.75px;" //> </colgroup/> <thead/> <tr/> <th/>Item #</th/> <th/>Length</th/> <th/>Width</th/> <th/>Height</th/> <th/>Weight</th/> </tr/> </thead/> <tbody/> <tr/> <td/>RC1A - 11" Dim.</td/> <td/>37.5"</td/> <td/>10.2"</td/> <td/>5.9"</td/> <td/>2.59 lbs.</td/> </tr/> <tr/> <td/>RC1B - 14" Dim.</td/> <td/>42.5"</td/> <td/>13.75"</td/> <td/>6.6"</td/> <td/>3.53 lbs.</td/> </tr/> </tbody/> </table/> <style/> th, td { padding-right: 20px; } .product-table-top { display: block; max-width: -moz-fit-content; max-width: fit-content; overflow-x: auto; white-space: nowrap; } </style/>