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Condor Motorcycle Loader for Wreckers

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The Condor Towing Self-Loader is specially designed for wreckers self-loaders, to use in transporting all types and sizes of motorcycles safely, securely and efficiently, in all kinds of weather and on all kinds of surfaces. This easy to use kit incorporates our patented fully adjustable wheel locking mechanism to support any bike in an upright and secure position so it is ready to be tied down. The Towing Self-Loader provides piece of mind for the operator and the customer. The Condor Towing Self-Loader can be quickly removed and its components easily fit into any self-loader toolbox. Also Adapts for use with the following: Century 312, Dynamic 601, Dynamic 701, Jerr-Dan MPL, Vulcan 810 Intruder, Chevron 401 Outlaw, Century 301 Express, Chevron 408 Renegade, Century Midnight Express, Recovery Solutions 400 Series, Recovery Solutions 500 Series.
  • Self Locking
  • Easy load and unload
  • Supports all motorcycles securely upright
  • Accommodates front and rear tires
  • Works on all self loaders
  • Two piece assembly fits easily into any self loader toolbox
  • Unit breaks down for easy storage
  • SC-2000 section: 9" wide X 25" long X 12" high
  • Ramp section 9.5" wide X 26" long X 5' high
  • Choose from the drop down to fit your wrecker

Available in the following styles

Item # Style
CP-SL7000-DYN701 Dynamic 701
CP-SL7000-VUL810 Vulcan 810
CP-SL7000-CENT312 Century 312
CP-SL7000-C301EX Century 301 Express
CP-SL7000-VUL810-08 Vulcan 810-2008 and Newer
CP-SL7000-JD-MPL Jerr-Dan MPL
CP-SL7000-408REN Chevron 408 Renegade Outline
CP-SL7000-DYN601 Dynamic 601
CP-SL7000-MXP-OTLW Century Midnight Express and Chevron 401 Outlaw