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CTech 2 Drawer Red Toolbox Systems

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Truck Freight Required
These boxes are made from aluminum and have a telescoping top tray that extends 6" on both sides. For these boxes you have the option to choose a riser to accommodate the spot in which you put the box so you have full access to the bottom drawer. Drawer systems can also be custom-made to your specifications. Each drawer system is engineered to fit your truck s compartment and configured with the drawer sizes that will work best for you.

  • Telescoping top tray extends 6" on both sides
  • Aluminum constr
  • Red drawer system
  • Must ship truck freight

    Available in the following sizes or Custom order

    Part # CT70515R2 CT71122R2 CT39269R2 CT38455R2 CT33851R2 CT67419R2 CT62864R2
    Height 8" 14" 10" 8" 11" 9" 12"
    Width 36" 22" 24" 44" 42" 42" 24"
    Depth 17" 17" 17" 19" 16" 17" 17"
    Bottom Space .688" .688" .688" .688" 1.688" 1.688" .688"
    Drawer Size 2x3" 1x5", 1x7" 1x3", 1x5" 2x3" 1x3", 1x5" 2x3" 2x5"

  • Accessory Options Available:

    2 Dividers - #CTDIV2DIVIDER
    2 Divider

    3 Divider - #CTDIV3DIVIDER
    3 Divider

    Molded Part Tray - #CTMPTDIVIDER
    Molded Part Tray

    Tool Grid Board - #CT-TOOLGRIDBOARD
    Tool Grid Board

    Containers - #CT-CONTAINERS

    Standard Socket Holder - #CT-SAESOCKETS
    Standard Socket Holder

    Metric Socket Holder - #CT-METRICSOCKETS
    Metric Socket Holder

    Dividers - #CT-DIVIDER

    Divider Clips - #CT-7906-20
    Divider Clips

    Ratchet Head Holder - #CT-RATCHETHEADHOLDER
    Ratchet Head Holder

    Cam Holder - #CT-CAMHOLDER
    Cam Holder

    Standard Wrench Holders - #CT-SAEWRENCHES
    Standard Wrench Holders

    Metric Wrench Holder - #CT-METRICWRENCHES
    Metric Wrench Holder

    Corner Holder - #CT-CORNERHOLDER
    Corner Holder

    Universal Holder - #CT-UNIVERSAL
    Universal Holder

    Tip Holder - #CT-TIPHOLDER
    Tip Holder

    Screw - #CT-8036

    Identification Labels - #CT-LABELS
    Identification Labels

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