Note: Special Handling Fees Apply for Specific Items
This 48" Wireless Tow Light from TowMate comes with two built in amber strobe
lights, and marker lights on each end of the bar. In addition to the strobes
and marker lights, this light will provide you with stop, tail, and turn
signals with ease. Turning on the amber strobes is as easy as flipping a
switch on the unit. The lights will now come standard with either a Carbon
Fiber, or Diamond Plate finish. It will also be hydro dipped, which will give
this bar a high sheen appearance and it will be much easier to keep clean.
Choose from any transmitter at no additional charge. The transmitter options
include 4-PIN Round, 4 PIN Flat, 6 PIN Round, 7 PIN Round (Standard), 7 PIN RV
Style, and a Hardwire Transmitter.
Charge Plug Wiring NOT Included