This 1-1/2" Retaining Ring from Miller Industries is used on many different
assemblies including boom, Subframe, recovery boom, wheel lift boom, underlift,
dual and single winch extendable boom, and dual and single winch non-extendable
boom assemblies. These assemblies can be found on many Century, Challenger,
Champion, Eagle, Holmes, and Vulcan Wreckers. See the brochures tab for a full
list of assemblies and part schematics.
- 2007-Current Century Express 300 Series Modular Wreckers
- 2000-Current Century Midnight Express Wreckers
- 2010-Current Century Modular Midnight Express Wreckers
- 2010-Current Century Modular 211 Wreckers
- 2009-Current Century Modular 400 & 600 Wreckers
- 2004-Current Century 3212 Wreckers
- 2001-Current Century 5130 & 5230 Wreckers
- 2002-Current Champion CH-31 & CH-32 Wreckers
- 2010-Current Eagle EB-2 Modular Wreckers
- 2009-Current Holmes 440SL Wreckers
- 2010-Current Holmes 600R Wreckers
- 2010-Current Vulcan Modular 804 Wreckers
- 2010-Current Vulcan Modular 806 Wreckers
- 2007-Current Vulcan Modular 807 Wreckers
- 2008-Current Vulcan Modular 880/890 Wreckers
- 2002-Current Vulcan 805 Wreckers
- 2000-Current Vulcan 806 Wreckers
- 1999-Current Vulcan 807 Auto Grip Wreckers
- 2000-Current Vulcan 810 Intruder Wreckers
- 2011-Current Vulcan 812 Intruder Wreckers
- 1999-Current Vulcan 880/890 Wreckers
- 2000 Vulcan 896/897 Wreckers
- 2004-Current Vulcan V30 Wreckers
- 2001-Current Vulcan NV-50 Wreckers
- 2001-Current Vulcan V-60/V-70 Wreckers
- 2001-Current Vulcan V-70 Wreckers
- 2001-Current Vulcan V-90/V-100 Wreckers
- Replaces Part #AWS-3022-A